Sea Dracula?


2008 Indie RPG Awards Winner: Best Free Game

Runner Up: Indie Game of the Year, Most Innovative Game


Animal City is a magical town full of hardworking talking animals with crazy names and silly opinions. The city is famous for it’s nonsensical legal system, where the lawyers are responsible not just for prosecuting cases but also for fighting monsters and throwing parties. This was the legendary legal system pioneered by that great giraffe lawyer, Sea Dracula!

Sea Dracula is a dancing role-playing game by award winning game designers Nick Smith and Jake Richmond. Play by pretending to be crazy animal lawyers who are prosecuting an important case in Animal City’s highest court!

“My man-crush on Jake Richmond continues to grow”
-Fred Hicks, award winning designer of Spirit of the Century

“Sea Dracula is now my favorite game!”
-Jason Morningstar, award winning designer of Grey Ranks and Shab-al-Hiri Roach

“Sea Dracula brought the hardcore out in us. ”
-Ryan Macklin, Master Plan

6 Responses to Sea Dracula?

  1. Gary Weller says:

    Just played this at RinCon 09 w/ Berin Kinsman as the judge. I played in the Jury… but that didn’t save me from a dance-off!

    Brilliant game. Well done!

  2. Mike J says:

    Yeah, I too was at that game as one of the prosecuting attorneys (or given the nature of the game, would “persecuting attorney” be more apt?). Anyways, I had a blast at the insanity that erupted from the table of people who had no clue how crazy that was going to become. Bravo sir.

  3. Kevin the Platypus says:

    I too participated. Damned if that wasn’t one of the finest RPG experiences EVAR!!!

  4. […] prequel-of-sorts to Sea Dracula is a “veterinary noir” role-playing game, where you and your friends take on the roles […]

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